John Cameron

Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis

I use a psychoanalytic approach to therapy with adults and children. I offer support in times of crisis and long-term treatment to address sources of inner conflict, anxiety and distress.

Psychoanalysis creates a time and space where our most difficult thoughts and feelings can be voiced. By speaking without censorship in a safe and private environment, the unconscious causes of our deepest suffering can be acknowledged and ultimately their grip on our destiny loosened.

My work is grounded in the ethics, theory and practice established by Sigmund Freud and elucidated by Jacques Lacan. It recognises and seeks to articulate one’s singular subjectivity, beneath the identities and expectations we unknowingly adhere to. It is a treatment through speech, to hear, understand and possibly recognise a choice to conclude an unspoken traumatic history that is often generations in the making.

A psychotherapy with a comprehensive theoretical framework, psychoanalysis is also deeply human. It is an invitation to traverse the surprises of the soul, freeing up energy consumed by suffering for creativity and enthusiasm to live, work and love.

People can bring a range of symptoms and diagnoses to the psychoanalytic clinic such as:

  • Depression and anxiety
  • Schizophrenia, bipolar, borderline or paranoid personality disorders
  • Phobias, nightmares, insomnia
  • Addictions and eating problems

Or distressing feelings and behaviours related to:

  • Sexuality or relationships
  • Anger, fear, panic, stress, shyness, confusion, helplessness, guilt
  • Suicide and self harm
  • Obsessive or compulsive thoughts and actions
  • Problems with identity, existence, parents or children

While these categories signify common factors in suffering, every psychoanalysis is unique. It is a patient, durable and open-ended treatment. It can be either short or long term.

My practice is informed by my own analysis and five years of theoretical and clinical studies at the Australian Centre for Psychoanalysis where I am a current member. I also bring my experience working with Lifeline Australia at the coalface of suicide prevention and crisis support, and a 25-year career building elite companies in the tech sector. I am a father and husband, previously I raised suburban milking goats and tech companies in Melbourne and Silicon Valley.

To Contact John

Please call Hartington Reception: (03) 9482 1888


If you are curious about psychoanalysis you may have already made a choice to pursue change. Contact me to schedule a preliminary session. The fee is $140 for sessions up to 50 minutes, concession rates available.


Rooms for Rent

To discuss or to arrange a visit please call Rose or Kim on 
9482 1888 Mon—Friday 10-3pm,
or email us at

Bookings & Enquiries

Our receptionists are available from 10am to 3pm, Monday to Friday. Practitioners are generally available for appointments within and either side of these hours. Rose and Kim will be happy to let you know individual clinician’s availabilities. We look forward to assisting you.


(03) 9482 1888


(03) 9489 4559

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